curl up and dye

Day 84 of 365.
I couldn't resist another opportunity to use my "tentacles" tag again!
Anyway, I had to drive to Flatwoods, WV today- about an hour from Charleston up I-79 - to attend the
West Virginia Library Association 's "Spring Fling" conference. It was a beautiful drive both ways, although very different - on the way up all was balmy and green, and floral petals blew through the air like warm snow. On the way back, the rain had moved in, highlighting how intensely green everything is in a different way than the sun does, and the purple blooms of trees along the hillsides. Driving up I-79 anytime between April and July makes me think I'm in Tolkien's Shire - a green and idyllic place. I did get a few pictures, but nothing I'm too happy with. Oh, and the conference was good too - I attended a presentation about the same kind of digitization project I'm currently working on, and one about e-books. Listening and understanding these presentations boosted my confidence in this projected career path.
Also, Flatwoods has an outlet mall - which has an Amish Market bulk goods store. We had one in Charleston, but I guess it wasn't doing well enough to stay open. I used to get all my bulk grains and spices there, so I had to stock up in Flatwoods while I was there.
Here's another picture from today, before the rain:

This one reminded me of cabaret makeup, of eyelashes emphasized by globs of mascara at the tips. Yes, I'm shooting a lot of macro shots of flowers these days. It's fun! You might too if they were in your face all the time. The flowers, I mean.
Labels: 365, flowers, librarianship, library matters, nature, tentacles, unlocking, WV, YIP