Another from the Ann Arbor set. (You can see all I have so far here.)
I'm still working my way through my many, many photos from the past couple of months. This one strikes me, though. It's a rather emphatic example, for me, of the creative life.
People say it over and over again, in books like "Do the Work" by Stephen Pressfield or "Mugging the Muse" by Holly Lisle, and in countless blogs, but the idea is: you don't wait for the Muse, you get to work, and she meets you there.
She usually meets me in the shower or while I'm driving, but those are brief visits: if I go down to the diner and get to work, she usually will hang around.
I'm struggling to work, but I'm working. She'll find me with a damn fine cup of coffee and a pencil, or camera, in hand.
You may have seen it, but I'm sharing it again - a most excellent graphic representation of some wise words from Ira Glass of This American Life:
Labels: Ann Arbor, creativity, ira glass, May Lee, meeting the muse, NanoTime Photography, work, writing
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