A bonus photo - I chose the icicles for today's official photo because it's appropriate - the weather's nasty, there's another winter storm advisory, and its slushy, slush everywhere slush. Today I found something I wrote on February 11th of last year, when it was 68 degrees. Jebus. It seems like this winter will never end - I know that's not true, but that's the feeling of today.
So, this photo: not butterfly wings, but it reminded me of them. And even though today was nasty, it had its gifts: a really good yoga class, and a happy invitation that made me verklempt. My sister-in-law is getting married in October, and she emailed to ask if I would be willing to be a bridesmaid, since her sister is the maid-of-honor and she thought it would be cool if "her other sister was up there too". This means more to me than I can even say - Dr. Nick's family is straight up awesome, and while sometimes I've felt like the orphan with her nose pressed up against the glass looking in, today I'm inside and warm and cozy.
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