Day 44 of 365.
As usual, he's got snow on his nose. I can't believe he stayed still long enough for me to take this. Silly old dog.
... or something.
Day 40 of 365. Weather too nasty to walk around shooting outdoors today. Nasty, tricksy weathers ... we hates them, precious! We does. After a mild, 50-degree misty day yesterday, I dared hope I could be outdoors today. However, I was denied.
It seems like this blog is all about the weather. For the moment, maybe. The weather, though, affects so many things.
Day 36 of 365.
I was hard pressed to choose between this photo and this photo to post to today. However, the light of knowledge won out. Sometimes, you just have to throw down some knowledge.
My body's throwing down some knowledge today - it's letting me know that staying up too late to watch the Men's Figure skating event at the Olympics last night was a very poor idea, the first in a long string of bad choices. The lack of sleep led to a need for caffeine in the morning when I arrived at the dingy Ivory tower; the need for caffeine led me to a desperate purchase at the Starbucks kiosk; the desperate purchase led to gut rot that has plagued me all day. Everyone knows that I hate Starbucks' coffee, "the coffee that tastes like burning", I say, paraphrasing the Simpsons. So I think I have to go off coffee permanently with the exception of a nice cup for enjoyment now and then. I don't ever want to be so desperate again that I'll give in and buy Starbucks' coffee.
Old, old, I'm growing old. I don't (yet) wear my trousers rolled.
However, sunlight today! Hallelujah!
Labels: 365, Charleston, growing old, poor impulse control, University of Charleston, winter, WV, YIP
Day 35 of 365.
This is what I've got. The magnolia trees have these buds. It didn't feel quite as cold today, maybe, and the birds were about their business, including the robins. They were dumpster diving by the river. Dare I to hope that's the scent of spring in the air? (It smelled a little like burnt toast).
Day 31 of 365.
As seen on the Carriage Trail today. This solves my question about whether the smiley faces seen on this bench in January were deliberate.
Labels: 365, carriage trail, Charleston, photos, valentine's day, WV, YIP
Day 30 of 365.
This describes my thoughts pretty well the past two days. I think I'm unravelling them, though.
Day 28 of 365.
Earlier, I showed the close up of the icicles. I haven't satisfactorily captured the way the icicles hang down from the rock. This is the best I could do so far. Dr. Nick has dubbed this small patch the "icicle fairyland".
Labels: 365, Charleston, icicles, nature, photos, winter, WV, YIP
Day 27 of 365.
I like this fluffy snow and chilly weather a lot better than the slushy nasty whatnot of the previous days. Fluffy, sparkly snow? I can handle that.
A bonus photo - I chose the icicles for today's official photo because it's appropriate - the weather's nasty, there's another winter storm advisory, and its slushy, slush everywhere slush. Today I found something I wrote on February 11th of last year, when it was 68 degrees. Jebus. It seems like this winter will never end - I know that's not true, but that's the feeling of today.
So, this photo: not butterfly wings, but it reminded me of them. And even though today was nasty, it had its gifts: a really good yoga class, and a happy invitation that made me verklempt. My sister-in-law is getting married in October, and she emailed to ask if I would be willing to be a bridesmaid, since her sister is the maid-of-honor and she thought it would be cool if "her other sister was up there too". This means more to me than I can even say - Dr. Nick's family is straight up awesome, and while sometimes I've felt like the orphan with her nose pressed up against the glass looking in, today I'm inside and warm and cozy.
Is it a Jackson Pollock? DNA unwinding to replicate? No, it's this crazy tree, reaching out to get you, my pretty!
Oh yeah. Day 25 of 365.
Day 24 of 365.
We went over to the house of our friends Bill & Blair tonight, ostensibly to commit snackrilege and watch the Super Bowl, but I mostly watched the Leo show. He's such a ham, and a very sweet cat. I was with Blair when she met him at Petsmart, over 2 years ago now! I thought this was a better photo, but I really loved this one
Day 23 of 365.
So, the Snowpocalypse - kind of a let-down in Charleston. It's slushy and nasty and wet, but there's no real accumulation of snow. It will probably get icy and too cold and be more treacherous tomorrow.
This picture kind of reminds me of brains. Because that's how my brain works, for better or for worse.
Labels: 365, brains, Charleston, photos, snowpocalypse, WV, YIP
Day 22 of 365.
While we wait for Snowmageddon to arrive, it hasn't been much fun to shoot photos outside. Such nasty, cold, icy rain.
Labels: 365, Charleston, oddities, photos, University of Charleston, WV, YIP
Day 21 of 365.
As seen in the upstairs window on a walk in my neighborhood. At least, it didn't move. I don't think. Gulp.
I've been Grumpelstiltskin all day, so Dr. Nick took me to Lola's and my mood is much improved.
Day 19 of 365.
A day full of rain and reflection.
Labels: 365, Charleston, photos, rain, reflection, WV, YIP
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