Guardian 1000 book challenge
So, via the lovely
M. Molly Backes @ Bittersweet, and at the behest therefore of
Biblio File , I've decided to enter the fray of the
Guardian 1000 Book Challenge . Just because I don't already have enough reading constraints for the year by only reading books that are already in the house.
This has to do with the Guardian's
1000 Books to Read Before You Die .
So, the challenge is to read and review 10 books off the list (that's 1%) between February 1st of 2009 and February 1st of 2010.
Of these 10, you must read 1 from each category and, if possible, 1 should be a book you have never heard of until you saw it on this list. Fortunately for me, I counted how many of those books from the list that I have in my house: 42. Auspicious number! I definitely have books from each category (most from the Sci Fi/Fantasy category), but unfortunately I won't be able to do a book I haven't heard of until January of 2010.
I amazed myself by having already read 78 of the 1,000, and having heard of hundreds.
No, I still don't think I have a book problem; I'm just a naturally-born librarian.