Toil not neither do they spin
This summer has been about travel - we've been three times to New England, twice to Madison, WI, and once to Scotland/UK. I had to make a short trip to Minnesota for the funeral of my maternal grandmother. All this travel made me long to stay put in one place for a while, and to find out what my real life is like, post-wedding and all that.
I like being married; I work a nearly-full-time part-time at a local bookstore; I'm teaching water aerobics three times per week; I love upstate New York and Vermont; my reading table groans under the bounty I have been stockpiling; and finally I have a new, decent computer to use to write and read and organize music and in general be the me I like best - the one that's not frustrated and thwarted at every turn.
Soon I'm dashing out for a crepe date with a new friend. It's cloudy today, and threatens rain. I'm not much of one for idle threats; I also don't like intimidation, but oh, in this case, I'd love for the weather to make good on it's threat and hit me in the face with rain.